Behind The Brand
SunBallers was born from solving a problem I faced that stopped me from doing what I loved the most: sunning my balls.
In August of 2022, I moved from an apartment in Scottsdale with a private balcony to a house in New Orleans with a backyard surrounded by neighbors. After years of sunning my boys daily, it was a ritual that was stripped away from me. I instantly went from aristocratic status to the bottom of the totem pole. Weeks went by trying all the different ways I could sneak some sunshine on my baby makers, but it was too difficult and nothing quite did the trick.
Until I came up with the ballsy idea to create a pair of shorts that had an opening underneath, exactly where I needed it. I got in touch with a manufacturer and 2 weeks later the first prototype pair of SunBallers arrived at my front door. Within minutes of receiving the shorts I went out to my backyard and gave them a try. Laying there, ecstatically with my SunBallers unzipped for the first time, I felt like I had just cracked the Da Vinci Code. For the first time in weeks I was successfully sunning my balls in peace, surrounded by neighbors without any hassles. My problem was officially solved.
With one pair on hand, I built the website and decided to post a Tik Tok showing off the greatest new invention without too much thought. Within one day, this video amassed over 400,000 views across Tik Tok and Twitter. Spreading like wildfire, over 100 orders came in the first day I had them in my hand. Considering I only had one pair, I instantly put in a bulk order and fulfilled them 2 months later. This was my first e-commerce venture and I was going full speed learning everything at once with no preparation. Looking back, this is the fuel SunBallers needed to be where we're at today.
Since then, the journey has been crazy. In February of 2023, I was contacted by the casting director of Shark Tank, inviting me onto the show to pitch the SunBallers to the sharks. After multiple attempts at trying to film an introductory video to send them, I realized it wasn't the move. How can you even explain perineum sunning to Mark Cuban and Mr. Wonderful? On Live TV?! I turned the offer down and since then I've only focused on organically growing SunBallers and attracting cool, esoteric living dudes like you.
If you're here, you're on the right path. You're on the ethereal journey of enhancing your life, just like I am. My vision for this brand is bigger than just a pair of shorts. I suffered from terrible health issues and almost got trapped by the pharmaceutical industry. It wasn't until I came across ball sunning that I realized there's natural ways to heal my body. Since then I've gone down a rabbit hole of holistic health and have found many benefits from getting sunlight alone. Since I started getting tons of sunlight my mind, body and spirit have improved tremendously.
We are in this fight to take the big suncare weasels down together!
- Tucker, Founder of SunBallers