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Boost testosterone, libido and energy with sun on your balls - made possible with our shorts that feature a hidden opening underneath.

Made with 100% Cotton, ensuring optimal health for your boys downstairs.


Sunlight is essential for maximizing testosterone production.

Ancient Taoists believed our area down under was the gate between life and death, and without sunlight on this area we become stagnant and dull.

More recently, health & wellness guru's have found that getting nature's light where our testosterone is created results in powerful effects for men.


Back in 2019 my health took a turn for the worst.
After wasting all my money on supplements that didn't do the trick, I dove deep into the depths of holistic healing and came across some posts about guys sunning their balls.
It seemed outlandish. I always believed the sun was bad for us and we should stay away from it. I mean that's what the doctors have always preached, right?
I tried it and instantly understood the hype. Naked in the sun and completely out of my comfort zone for the first time in my life, the sensation was exhilarating!
Shortly after implementing this into my daily routine, I moved from a house with a secluded backyard to an apartment in the city with an exposed balcony.
At this moment, I knew I needed to find a solution. After trying to cover myself with towels and attempting to build a privacy wall, nothing was as seamless and easy as I hoped for.
I hit the drawing board and contacted a manufacturer to bring the ball sunning shorts to life. I received them a month later and wa-lah, I was sunning my balls like I was back in my private yard!
Along the journey I've realized that optimal health is more than tanned nuts, but it is a great way to get the ball going. Revitalizing our mind, body and soul in ways we've never experienced has profound effects on our lives. Doing things we haven't been conditioned to in the modern world has serious, powerful benefits - mentally and physically.
That hey, maybe we should go back to our manly, primal, evolutionary ways in a society where testosterone is plummeting and men aren't men anymore.
Reject Modernity, Embrace Tradition.